Zeamspeak Wiki

There is a very strange person on the zeamspeak named Stormy. She likes cats, dogs, basically every animal that can be a pet, and that animal's wild cousins. Did she confuse you? She's says she's sorry, and that she does that alot.

She loves to sing. Her favourite bands and artists are Evanescence, Stuck In your Radio, Celine Dion, Josh Groban, Andrea Brocelli, and Taylor Swift. Yeah, the genres that these artists and bands are classified in are drasically different, and you may of not heard one or more of them. She suggest you at least check them out. There are also other individual songs that she likes. A few of them are True Colors, Circles by Hollywood Undead, and Pour Me by Hollywood Undead.

She acts crazy alot of the time. One thing you can always expect her to be is loud and crazy, and she is often perverted. She flirts with Inf3cted++ often, and will point out almost anything that can be sexual. She has two loud ass dogs, who play and bark at each other often. Whenever the mostly solid black one comes up to her, she always says things like, "Your so pretty!" "Are you pretty? Yes you are!" "Your so pretty! And Spoiled! And you know it!"
